College of Readers

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Site created 1 July 2004. Site redesigned  November 2017.

Members Renewal Form

Membership of the College of Readers needs to be renewed annually on 1st April and Membership is dependent on your status as a Reader within the Church of England.

Should you wish to renew online please fill in the details below and click the submit button.

N.B. After you have clicked on the 'SUBMIT' button another window will open and you will be asked to enter the code you will see.

Please enter this code, otherwise your renewal will not be submitted. Thank you.

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Surname *

Christian Name *

Address 1 *

Address 2

Town / City *

County *

Post Code *

Home Telephone

Mobile Number

Email Address

Date of admission as Reader  *

Date of next renewal of Licence  *

I am Emeritus *

Permission to Officiate  *

Reader in Training *

Year training will be completed *

Licensed Reader please attach a copy of you current Licence.  Reader in training please attach a confirmation letter from your Parish Priest/Priest of the Society.

My Subscription is Paid by  *

Parish Dedication *

Parish Address 1 *

Parish Address 2

Parish Town / City *

Parish Post Code *

Diocese *

Parish Web Address

Name of Parish Priest *

Episcopal Care is provided by Bishop of *

Name of Bishop *

Passed the Single Resolution *

Registered with FiF *

Affiliated to The Society *

Do you affirm the authority of scripture, the grace of the sacraments, the traditional understanding of the threefold ministry of bishop, priest and deacon and the objectives of the College of Readers? *

Do you have any objection to your name and parish being given to other members of the College of Readers / Bishops of the Society? *

Any other information you would like to give

Today's Date

Please enter this code in the box below it, before you click on the ‘Submit’ button.  *