(founded on 1st April 2000.)
The CoR sets out to provide fellowship and support to Readers who subscribe to the authority of scripture, the grace of the sacraments, and the traditional understanding of the ordained ministry of bishop, priest and deacon.
The aims of the College of Readers are to:
- Proclaim the Gospel of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church through prayer and action.
- Provide opportunities for training and study based on scripture, the Catholic Creeds and the teachings of the Father of the Church.
- Provide mutual support and fellowship for Readers and for Readers in Training, complementing existing arrangements at Diocesan, Provincial and National levels
Membership is open to Readers, Readers Emeriti and Readers in Training who affirm the traditional understanding of the apostolic ministry of bishop, priest and deacon. The Warden and Chaplains are Members by virtue of their office. Membership may be made available to others at the Committee's discretion.
The benefits of membership include:
- Receipt of a periodical eNewsletter/Newsletter with news, events, programmes and articles of theological and practical interest. All members are given the opportunity to publish examples of their own work.
- Receipt of one off College of Readers ‘Occasional Papers’ on various subjects of interest.
- Access to spiritual direction and advice from a local chaplain who is a priest of the traditionalist integrity. The local chaplain is available for confidential discussion, which may include the sacrament of confession, if required.
- Contacts with Reader members across the UK, who can offer friendly and confidential support.
- Membership of a diocesan or regional Readers' Circle. (Where there are sufficient numbers of members).
Membership Renewal
Membership of the College of Readers needs to be renewed annually on 1st April.
Membership is dependent on your status as a Reader within the Church of England.
To renew your membership you can fill-in the online form by clicking on the link below,
or download a copy of the
CoR Membership Renewal form by clicking on the buttons below.
Online Form
Renewal Form (Word Format)
Renewal Form (PDF Format)
Standing Order Mandate
Please contact the Registrar.
For queries and suggestions about the site please don't hesitate to contact the Webmaster.
Site created 1 July 2004. Site redesigned November 2017.
An Independent Membership Organisation
Providing Fellowship and Support to
Readers of the Anglican Communion in the British Isles
Patron: +Norman, Bishop of Richborough
Co-Patron: Rt Revd Martyn Jarrett
Past Patron: the late Bishop Michael Houghton
The Prayer of the College of Readers
Almighty Father,
At our Baptism
You removed from us the stony heart of sin
And gave us a living heart of flesh.
We pray You,
Pour such grace into our hearts
That we may be strong in the face of evil;
Overflowing with compassion to the poor and needy;
Eloquent in proclaiming You to the world;
And simple, sweet and humble in our daily lives:
To Your greater glory in Eternal Heaven.
Membership Application Form
Download a copy of the CoR Membership Application form by clicking on the buttons below.
Application Form (PDF Format)
Application Form (Word Format)